It has been a long time since I blogged! In the past month my life has went crazy messy. If you have followed me awhile, you know I have epilepsy. I was diagnosed at nine and have struggled with seizures through out my entire life. My neurologist suggested trying a medication and hesitantly I agreed. Long story short, I had a lot of side effects, so much so it interrupted my whole life. After two months of struggling with medicine adjustments, I am now off it and back to normal! I have so much work to catch up.
On a positive note, I have now tried another medication and know it isn't an option for me. Secondly, I have spent tons of time with my graph paper and markers. I have so many new designs to turn into patterns. Yay! It will probably take a year to make them all. lol
Onto the Diary of a Patriot mystery quilt, we only have a few more weeks until the great reveal! I'm sooo excited! Last week Charisma shared the last of the embroidery blocks. Just a refresher, there are nine in total. Those making the queen sized quilt need all of them. If you are making the twin, you only need four.