Sarah Marcina

Nov 30, 2018

Quilting Season

It's official...the quilting season has began! Last week we had our first snow and this week it has been in the single digit temperatures at night. Yay and awww at the same time. Excited for the extra quilting time, but hate the cold.

I have been revamping the website and hope it is more user friendly. If you have comments or suggestions let me know!

I'm super excited I am close to publishing my fifth quilt pattern! There will be a Mystery Quilt hosted by several local quilt shops starting in January. If you are a shop owner looking for a project, send me an email ( and I will give you more information.

This has become a really exciting time for me and the future outlook of my pattern designing. You can see my patterns on this website and they link to Craftsy for purchase.

God is good! Have a blessed day,



#Patterns #ConnectingThreads #LongArmQuilting