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Best made plans...

Sarah Marcina

I had been doing really good with post scheduled ahead of time. My plan was to have just quilting post on the odd days and on even days, if I have a chance, write something more personal. In December I had scheduled through January 3rd. I felt great about that, everything was set and ready to go through the beginning of the year. On my work calendar I had down to write quilt blogs for the month of January on the 4th. I woke up Thursday and felt awful. I had such a pounding headache, it felt like it was going to explode. I took some Advil, practically floated away because I drank so much water, and then took a nap. I thought for sure I would wake up and feel great. NOT! I felt worse. Friday I slept most of the day. Saturday I went to the doctor and he said I had strep. Ugh! Needless to say, the next few days I did nothing. Not even the dishes. I always get the dishes done. Enough about me being sick, but now that I am better I am so far behind.

I had planned on having two patterns wrote by well, tomorrow. I haven't even started. I had planned on finishing two projects and getting them ready to send to the long arm quilter. I'm am still trying to train my minds eye to see machine quilting rather than hand quilting. I have hand quilted so long I look at a flimsy and picture the perfect plan. Charisma Horton has been great, she has been able to take the hand quilting thoughts and work them into long arm quilting. I couldn't be happier.

On a positive note, I sketched out several designs while I was sick. It seems like I never can completely turn my mind off. Today I was able to transfer those sketches into digital mock-ups. There is a group of five designs I am calling Color Play. As of now I will be using those to submit to a quilt magazine with the hopes of becoming published!

Tomorrow I have a long list of must-dos so I don't know if I will blog or not. Therefore, tonight I will go ahead and wish my brother, Thomas, a very happy birthday! I couldn't as for a better brother and partner in crime. I love you and happy 28th. God's been good, may He give you another blessed year!

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