English Paper Piecing has been one of those "maybe I'll do it one day" things. Learn How to English Paper Piece changed that for me. The thoughts of spending so much time stitching thousands of hexies together didn't sound appealing. The projects in this book are simple, quick and satisfying. Carolina Moore takes you step by step through the process of making EPP projects not intimidating.
When I first read through Carolina's book (well, initially it was more like look at the pretty projects) I knew it was a keeper. I have almost finished a placemat, I still need to bind it. I do have the hand quilting done but just didn't take a picture yet. The last few days I have been sewing hexies like crazy for the Mason Jar cover. I'll post a follow up blog when I have the projects both complete. I have a plan for them to use in my sewing room bringing a little spring to this deep freeze polar vortex! For the hexie's I used some left over 5" charms from Connecting Threads. The background is extra from a quilt a few years back it was purchased at Hobby Lobby. I always like when I can use from my scraps!
Here's my basic take away: if you want to learn to EPP, you need this book. If you are intimidated by years work of making hexies, these projects require just a few. If you want a sew to go kit, this book will give you ideas. If you have any interest in EPP, you need this book. If you read through other post, you will find me to be a minimalist... including books. I like ones that are practical and give plenty of ideas. Carolina's book certainly did this for me.
My pile of unfinished hexies is finally smaller than finished ones. YAY! Perhaps one more evening of making them I will be ready to put together the Mason Jar Cover. Check back in a couple days for the post titled "Learn How to English Paper Piece: Part Two"

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