There's not a better embroidery block to start with than this one! When Charisma sent the blocks to me I was in love with all of them though. She did an awesome job. If you haven't seen her work before, check out her website Charisma's Corner.
To trim the blocks to size I found the exact center by placing the 90* angle right through the center. It was pretty easy to find the center.In the word "America" the middle letter is "R". I knew the line needed to pass right through it. There is equal space between the top part of the wreath and the bottom. The center (R) was my starting point and the wreath's space on the top and bottom finished centering the ruler.

Since my ruler is the exact size the block needs to be, I used my rotary cutter to trim to size. So I won't misplace my embroidery, I added my block to my piecework collection.

I can't wait for Charisma to share her next block January 24!